Living up to our vision

To be recognised as Australia’s centre of excellence for enhancing civil-military-police capability, knowledge and collaboration.

Why we're here

The ACMC is a unique organisation. We work in contexts where there are no easy answers, where the environment is always changing, as is the number and range of our stakeholders. While our Mission is self-explanatory and all work that we do is driven by it, it is our Vision that shapes how we deliver on that Mission.

Establishment of the ACMC

In 2008, the National Security Committee of Cabinet established the ACMC to assist Australian Government Agencies prepare for, prevent, and respond more effectively to conflicts and disasters overseas. The ACMC was established to meet a recognised shortfall in Australia’s ability to conduct ‘joined-up’ operations in complex environments overseas. The priority areas of the ACMC were recognised as being: research and analysis; support to education and training; facilitation of interagency exercises; and ensuring that the lessons of operations are learned and incorporated into future preparedness.

We have adapted to meet the requirements of our stakeholders through ongoing engagement and consultation. The nature of the operational environment continues to evolve.

What we are doing now is not what we were doing when we were established and if you come back in five years, we will likely be doing different things yet again.

ACMC provides a degree of cross-agency resilience by picking up whole-of-government capability and preparedness issues that would otherwise fall between departments and agencies.