Workshops and Events

ACMC events are designed to facilitate interaction between existing policy owners, shaping policy thinking.

An enduring program of work for the ACMC is undertaking workshops, seminars, round-tables, conferences and dialogues. Our events can be as simple as gathering key people in a room for a round table to discuss a policy issue, or as substantial as a holding a large-scale, international conference. Smaller interactions can be conducted in the ACMC training facilities in Australia, while larger events are often conducted in countries within our region, with significant international delegations. 

Our workshops focus on interaction between participants, characterised by practitioner interactions and knowledge sharing, small-group work, and solutions-focused outcomes resulting in real world, implementable products.

Our events are tailored and fit-for-purpose. Our approach is to determine the desired outcome, to ask ourselves and our stakeholders what are the objectives. If a workshop serves that purpose, that’s what we do.

We then build on the outcomes of that workshop. Often the outcome of a workshop is the requirement for further work and this can include a publication, a report or some research into a specific area of interest or concern for our key stakeholders.

Particularly when working with regional partner countries, we use the workshop format as a way of eliciting practitioner knowledge, facilitating participants to devise combined civil-military-police solutions, which leads to the outcome being a set of principles or operating procedures in the form of a product that is owned by the host government or governments.